Tractors are the backbone of modern mechanized agriculture. They can be used for plowing, tilling, harvesting, planting, and so much more. Naturally, you’ll want to get as much as you can out of such an important tool. That’s why the experts at Holder & Sons Equipment have created this guide to improving your tractor’s performance.

Regular Maintenance

The first and most straightforward thing you can do to improve your tractor’s performance is to keep up with regular maintenance. Routine inspections can help you catch maintenance issues before they become a safety concern or start to get worse. Besides just taking your tractor to regular service appointments at your local service department, there is also a lot you can do in your day to day. This includes things like swapping out your tractor’s filters, keeping the tires well-inflated, and replacing the oil. Your owner’s manual should have information about how you need to schedule your tractor’s maintenance.

Use Quality, Compatible Products

When it comes to tractor maintenance, always use parts that are both compatible and high-quality. Parts that are lower quality and/or incompatible with your tractor may be cheaper and more plentiful, but they can cause reduced performance and even safety issues in the long run. Stick to OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts wherever possible. The same applies to products like engine oil and transmission fluid. Spending a bit more to take proper care of your tractor will pay off in the long run. If you’re not sure which parts are and aren’t compatible with your tractor, check your owner’s manual.

Shop tractors at Holder & Sons Equipment in Durham, North Carolina. We also offer rentals and demos. We’re proud to serve communities like Raleigh and Greensboro, North Carolina, so come visit us soon!