Winter can present many unique challenges to those who work with farm equipment. Cold temperatures and icy conditions can make it hard to keep your equipment in top working order and affect your productivity. That’s why you want to prepare your farm equipment and keep it ready for use in winter.

Holder & Sons Equipment is your local equipment dealer in North Carolina, and we know what it takes to keep your machines safe and functional in the cold season. Our experts have created this guide to discuss a few tips to prepare your tools for winter—so keep reading to learn more.

Lubricate Moving Parts

One of the most critical steps in preparing your farm equipment for winter is greasing all moving parts regularly. This will help prevent rusting and other damage caused by cold temperatures and moisture. You should also check the lubrication levels on any hydraulic systems, as they are prone to freezing in cold weather.

Clean Equipment Thoroughly

Next, clean your farm equipment thoroughly before the winter season begins. Mud and debris can cause corrosion and other damage if left on the surface of your machinery. Use a power washer or brush away the dirt to prevent it from accumulating and causing aesthetic and structural damage in the long run.

Check Tire Pressure

More importantly, you want to check the tire pressure in your farm equipment throughout the cold season. Low tire pressure can lead to decreased performance and increased wear on tires. To skip the hassle, check all tires for inflation before beginning work. This will also help your machine grip the terrain properly and prevent it from skidding. Moreover, it will allow you to operate your heavy machinery more efficiently.

We hope you find this guide handy when preparing your farm equipment for the cold season. If you have more questions or are still in the market for a new machine, visit Holder & Sons Equipment. We are in Durham, NC, and proud to serve our patrons from Raleigh and Greensboro—so stop by today.