Regular maintenance of your agricultural equipment can help extend its lifespan and maximize efficiency and productivity on your farm or ranch. Cleaning your machine is critical because it helps promote optimal performance and reduces the need for repairs or replacements.

This guide explores the most effective tips for cleaning your farm equipment. Read on to learn more, and for more information, contact Holder and Sons Equipment.

Develop a Cleaning Routine

A regular cleaning routine will help ensure your farm equipment remains in good working order for years. Schedule sessions after each use or every week depending on the use of your machinery. This way, you can identify potential issues or damages early on and help prevent costly repairs or equipment breakdowns.

Use Appropriate Cleaning Solutions & Tools

Refer to the owner’s manual that came with your farm equipment to know which tools and cleaning solutions you should use on your model. They help remove greases, oil, and other contaminants, such as dirt and debris and retain the effectiveness of your equipment. You also want to use non-abrasive cleaning tools such as soft brushes and sponges for cleaning sensitive parts.

Focus on Critical Components

Next, you want to clean the critical components of your farm equipment, such as engine compartments, hydraulic systems, and electrical components. These parts require thorough cleaning to ensure optimal performance and the safety of your equipment and the people working on your farm.

Ideally, cleanse your vents to prevent your machine from overheating and replace any dirty filters to avoid causing engine damage. This will help extend the lifespan of your equipment and keep it running smoothly.

Clean attachments separately

Finally, you want to clean any attachments like plows or blades separately to prevent cross-contamination or damage during the cleaning process. Remove the implements before cleaning your machinery, and inspect the bolts or latches for signs of wear or damage.

We hope you find these tips handy when cleaning your farm equipment. If you have more questions or want to upgrade your machine to the latest model, visit Holder and Sons Equipment. You’ll find us in Durham, NC, proudly serving our patrons from Raleigh and Greensboro, so reach out today!